Thursday, July 08, 2010

Sweet escape.

I'm really not good at time management. People are coming and going and i hardly have the time/energy to hang out with them.

Darn it. I miss you people so much.
It isn't the same!

Since it's been ages since i've seen or spoken to this girl, some pictures deserves to be up.

Michelle! :) We've been tellign each other we should meet up but time isn't being nice. Luckily your exams are over! Hahaha. Since i ended work early, i thought it would be better going out to meet her than staying at home rotting in front of the television.

Al my movies/series are calling me to watch em. *bites*


A picture of me looking at a whole load of CHEESE. yums.

pictures you can get away with when nobody is around.

"Michelle! Why are you so far from me?"

Next picture. I love this. peluk

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